
The highest quality demands and offer long-term planning security

Higher yield per surface area, lower BOS costs, higher power classes, and an efficiency rate of up to 22.45%. IBEX TOPCON Technology supercharges ordinary crystalline solar cells and modules and does not involve a complex new cell design, nor does it require special system components. IBEX TOPCON Technology works at cloudy, rainy days, HC technology to reduce the negative affection to yield caused by micro crack and shadow

The premium class with elegant design in black

New generation high power

Reliable very high power

Efficient and bankable

The powerful and reliable solar modul for multi-application solutions

New generation high power

The powerful and reliable solar modul for multi-application solutions

Reliable very high power

The powerful and reliable solar modul for multi-application solutions

Efficient and bankable

LUXRA® performance guarantee AND PRODUCT warranty for at least 30 years

Performance Guarantee
30 years lineair power
output warranty

Product Warranty
30 years limited warranty
on product quality

Arice Kuijpers




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