Über uns

First class quality photovoltaic products throughout the world

We are expanding our high-quality portfolio through alliances and, together with our own brand LUXRA® and the complementary products of leading manufacturers, offer our customers and LUXRA® partner companies a reliable and sustainable product range relating to all aspects of energy. We support you with a competent all-round service – extending from perfect system design to a forecast of profitability.

Risk protection

The solar insurance cover letter offers comprehensive, and in some cases unique, insurance cover, ongoing service and rapid assistance in the event of a claim.

Yield guarantee

Whether your facility cannot produce any energy as a result of an insured loss or simply does not generate the guaranteed income – the loss will be reimbursed to the extent agreed upon.

Assistance services

If an insured event occurs, we will perform the emergency service as soon as possible in the case of storm damage or power failure.

Plant monitoring

Constant monitoring is performed during the operation of the plant. Malfunctions can be detected and rectified quickly as a result.

Important services

Regular monitoring of your plant on-site, including the production of measurement and assessment protocols (E-Check), forms part of the scope of our services.

SSD Repower-Option

With the SSD repower option, you can make financial provision for the repowering or disposal of your system at the end of the investment period.

Luxra® stands for the highest precision

Solar Modules

A PV plant is only as strong as the components used. We fully back our powerful LUXRA® brand.


Lunaca has planned, installed and commissioned a large number of plants over the past few years. Gain a picture of it yourself!


German workmanship continues to be a seal of quality and clear processes throughout the world.

Arice Kuijpers


E: arice@luxra.ch


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